The Moran Engadine Gardening Club has spent the last six months growing new plants for a very special community cause in the lead up to World Environment Day. They have donated the plants to the local Salvos Store in Engadine to be sold as part of the Red Shield Appeal, dedicated to helping those in need. The plants can be purchased by members of the public for between $5 and $10 dollars, which will go directly towards meals, shelter and other Salvation Army support programs.
World Environment Day, celebrated annually on 5th June, is a global platform for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment. The day is marked by various activities, including tree planting, clean-up campaigns, educational events, and policy discussions.
The benefits of gardening on the environment are many and so too are the benefits to our residents in terms of mental health, emotional wellbeing, social interaction and a sense of achievement. Gardening activities are a regular part of the lifestyle activity calendar in all Moran Homes. Residents at Engadine have decided to continue a program of propagating plants in the future to donate to the local Salvos store where they can be sold.
Gardening can be a calming and meditative activity, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. In working towards this project our residents have socialised and formed new relationships within the Home and in the local community.
Many members of the Moran Engadine team assisted with the project, donating cuttings from their own gardens, reducing green waste and becoming more connected to the residents and local community.
Moran offers permanent and respite care in a modern homely environment. To find out more about how you can join this friendly community, please get in touch with us.
#agedcare, #community, #proudtocare, #redshieldappeal, #salvos, #worldenvironmentday, engadine